Thursday 16 October 2008

Planning for Filming Project

So far, we as a group have had 2 lessons to begin sharing our ideas and developing them. Our progess has be fast paced and our ideas have come thick and fast.

We began sharing our ideas by spending 5 minutes induvidualy, simply writing down the basic plot for a horror film we would each like to make/ like to see. After the 5 minutes, we came together to share our ideas with the intention of picking one as the base plot and then adding ideas in that the other group memebers came up with. The ideas were all very different. Redmirs idea was... sci- fi orientated. Adams and geoges was zoombie orientated and mine was more centred around a plot that could be developed into the horror genre.

We, as a group opted to use my idea as the basic plot. We then used good ideas from Geoges and Adams plots that developed the base story into a potential masterpiece.

The basic story is:
4 foriegn friends decide to take some time out together. They a very tight group however all of them are very different. One thing they all share though is there passion for biking. As a break, they organise a trip to The Britain were they intent to bike up some of the highest hills/ mountains in the contry.

Their journey starts at pitch hill, one of the tallest hills in the world covering a total area of 150 square metres. However, the group of foriegn friend are unaware of the shere scale of the hill and are considerably under experienced for what they are about to attempt. They have no local knowledge and rely on only a map as guidance. It is this lack of local knowledge that marks the start of the groups horrors.

Not long into the ride (about 60 miles) The weaker member of the group begins to fall back, as the ride becomes tougher and tougher. Before long the rest of the group have diserpeared round a cornor leaving the individual allown and vunerable. As he is allown he becomes more and more aware of his surroundings. The sheer size of the forest around him begins to get the better of his mind. The biker begins to pedal harder, his breaths become more eratic, but not once does he suspect that he is being stalked from the depths of the woods.... Not to his knowledge a deranged man, banished to the hill has slowly being moving in on him as he falls further and further behind weakening with every pedal. Suddenly a line of spikes shoot up through the ground pierceing the tiers of his bike. A trap? The rider and his bike are sent him flying. When the rest of the group return to the yells of their fallen friend, they return only to see the bike, mangled on the floor, the wheel still spining; the friend knowhere to be seen.

So far we have:

  • Writen up characters in detail.

  • Writen up information about location.

  • Writen up a basic idea for the shot we will use.

  • Writen up the storyline asif we would be shooting the whole film.

  • Writen up our ideas that will give the opening sequence the genetric signifiers nessesary for the horror genre.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great work Josh, you give a clear account of your progress. You are clearly working well as a group to develop some exciting ideas.