Wednesday 22 October 2008

Progress through Pre-Production Planning

In resent lesson and homeworks, the groups main interest has been storyboarding. Our resent progress has seen us complete a detailed plot, detailed character information and detailed location information.

Our fast but neverthless effective progress through the task's has allowed use to begin and complete our final storyboaring. My role in the process was to draw up the shots, but also to feed shot ideas into the group. Geoge and Adam were also very important bringing up new ideas for me to draw up on the storyboard. We all worked together, sharing ideas to create the final storyboard.

To give the film a greater sence of depth, we spent alot of time giving the characters personalitys that would interest the audience.
We opted to include a group of 4 friends who all share a passion for exploration. However, they are all very different.
Character names are currently unclear

Biker 1: A couragous character driven by ambition and always the first to cross the finish line. Has little care for thous around him when comleting his own goals.

Biker 2: A funny kind off guy. Always looks on the bright side of life. doesnt take himself or anyone around him seriously.

Biker 3: A quiet but important character. Holds the foundations of the group together with his relaxed view of life and his ability to judge a situation without being bias.

Biker 4: A intelligent individual who lacks any ambition other than the ambition read a book from cover to cover. Always looks at the logical side of things. To him, everything has a mathematical answer.

Deranged Man: Once a man of the army, but banished for his passion for killing the weak and innocent. Banished to Pitch hill he has been given the simple task of keeping electricity flowing over the desolate area. Having lived up the hill for some 22 years, his knowledge of the outback stretches far beyond the knowledge of anyone else. He consider the vast hill his home, and he doesn't like trespasers.

We have chosen two locations for our shotting. First and formost, the hill on which we shall be shotting is Pitch hill in the Surrey hills. I chose this location as I have visited the hill many times and am aware of its potential for shotting a horror film. The scenes leading up to the arrival at Pitch hill will be shot at a pub, just before pitch hill. I also chose this as I have knowledge of the area.

Pitch Hill: The towering trees and thin winding paths seen the pefect place to shot our idea. The darkness of the woods even in daylight over a opportunity to keep suspence and suspicion throughout the opening sequence.

The Pub: The pub is the location at which our characters shall be introduced. The location seems suitable for this introduction as less concentration will be on surroundings and more on the characters themselves. A pub is a sterotypical location for friendship gatherings and therefore we opted to include this in our locations for the opening sequence.

Themes and Values
friendship is a theme/ value that is important in our filming. However, we intend to explore both the positives and negatives of friendships. (Negatives being tension within the group, and the positives being the groups determination to find their kidnapped friend).

Experience is also a key element of the piece. In this case, it is the lack of experience that sees the group fall into trouble. We opted to include this as In many cases it is experience/ inexperience that holds a event together or turns it into a nightmare.

The theme of being followed/ stalked will also become clear in the opening sequence. The theme shall be introduced suddenly when one memeber of the group begins to fall behind and the villan begins to home in on his weak and vunerable prey. We opted to include this theme as the result of our questionaire proofed that people found the feeling of being stalked to be most frightening.

The theme of despair will also be used in the opening sequence. As the 1 member of the group begins to fall behind, he becomes worried and begins to pedal harder. The shot used will portray to the audience a sence of vunerability and desperation.

The value of tradition shall be shown when the group gather at the pub. It is common to see friends meeting at the pub before/ for a event.

The theme of missing/ lost shall be explored. The sequence of shots that show the missing posters on the back of the entrance sign shall portray a pending sence of danger with this common theme.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done Josh, you demonstrate a good understanding of how your idea links in with the generic conventions of your chosen genre and you reflect on your own involvement in the planning process. I am looking forward to seeing these ideas in action!