Monday 17 November 2008

Opening Sequence

Our opening sequence introduces the horror genre via a number of different teqniques. The use of laid back music will draw the audiences attention away from danger. A sudden change of mood will affect the audience and help emphasis our genre. We use a few teaser shots in the opening sequence when we will shock the audience into a sense of danger then only to show it was a joke. An example of this is the shot when Matt, the joker of the group jumps into the telescope sight of Adam, shocking a viewer. Tense music and dynamic camera shots all add up to make the sequence a production of the horror genre.

Story/ Plot:
The opening sequence introduces the basic plot of the story however does not conclude any significant points in the film. From the first few shots of the sequence, the audience meet a tight group of friends. There interests are also made clear as they all have a passion for biking. It is obvious that the friends are preparing for somthing as a number of camera shots feature preparotary actions. The theme of the film is shown, but not fully concluded as George, the weaker member of the group, is stalked as he falls behind. He is soon taken. The audience are lead to believe that the story will be based on the remaining group members effort to reclaim their fallen friend.

The characters of the film are introduced from the first shot of the film. The four friends are shown and elements of thier personality are emphisised so the audience can gain a greater understanding of the group. For example, Adam, the ambitions member of the group is shown to be rushing his friends so they can begin thier venture. The villain is not shown within the opening sequence, however his intentions are shown through a number of P.O.V shots when he stalks george.

The Four bikers and thier characteristics are below:

Adam: The ambitions member of the group who tends to take the front seat in all things active.

George: The queit and intelligent member of the group who stays out of arguements and keeps opinions to himself. The inocent character who ultimatly pays the price for his groups inexperience.

Matt: The joker of the group. He looks of the bright side of life and manages to make a joke out of even the most uncomfortable situations.

Josh: The common sence character who tries to keep the cool and do everything how it should be done.

Themes and Values:
A number of Themes and Values are emphasised in the sequence. Perhaps the most obvious Value is fiendship. The friendship within the group of friends is tight and forgiving. Ambition is a theme that is portrayed by Adam. He is more organised and more willing to complete his goals and ambitions. Ultimatly this leads to the groups worst fears. Inexperience and nievity are other themes used. The group is inexperienced and are not aware of the sheer scale of the task they are facing. They are not aware of any rumours and dangers that the hills hold within them.

Situations and locations:
The location for the film is the great open space that is pitch hill. In the film, the hill shall be made to seem bigger than it really is to give a sence of scale. The location consists of many dark windy paths that are engulfed by dark trees; the ideal location for a masacre. The situation of the group soon unfolds to a viewer when they leave without vital safty kit (Phone, First aid etc). when George begins to fall behind his situation soon becomes clear as he is kidnapped. The audience can then conclude the situation of the remaining friends. There adventure soon turns into a search and rescue situation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great work Josh, a clear account of how your plans fit into the genre you have chosen to work in.