Monday 10 November 2008

Post- research questions

1. My role in the research process:
I aided in the production of the questionaire and the handing out of it.
I conducted several film reviews within our chosen genre. 1 micro anaylasis and 1 macro anaylasis. This helped give us ideas and themes for our own film. I also wrote a detailed essay of the opening sequence of Dawn of the dead. Being a opening sequence this would aid the production of our own opening sequence.

2. We already had a fairly good idea of what genre of film we wanted to make. Our research furthered our knowledge and understanding of the genre and gave us ideas for our own piece.

3. The characters used in the movie are yound adults. We wanted our film to be aimed at the younger audience (15- 25). We felt the use of younger characters would help this audience to relate to the film and put themselves in the position of the troubled characters.

4. Our research so far has aided use in our choice of location. Our Questionaire results proved that vast, empty locations particuarly wooded areas are considered the most frightening location. We therefore chose to use Pitch hill in surrey as our filming location as the area is engulfed by woodland and is often empty. The towering trees can also create a feeling of vunerability that we felt would be esential in our movie.

Our research into current films gave ideas for the theme of the film, and for camera angles. This reseach was esential as it gave us a understanding of what works and what doesn't work in the horror genre.

5. A number of features in the film come together to make the movie a product of the horror genre. Firstly, the storyline is a plot that is common of the genre and a audience would expect many frights throughout the film. The use of dynamic camera angles, some of which give the impression of being stalked also add to the tension as is nesesary in the horror genre. Mysterious and somtimes decieving music that gives a sence of safty is used in the fim. This is also a common feature of horror films.

6. The mise en scene in the film is a vital part of creating mood and atmosphere. The film will use a combination of music and dynamic camera angles to create mood and tension. Some vital safty equiptment (props) will be left behind in the opening few shots of the film. This creates a uneasy mood early on in the film as a audience does not know what to expect next.

Mise- en- scene is also used to give tha character thier individual characteristics and personality. For example, we will use a odd array of clothing (costume) for the joker of the group of friends and a more expert array of biking clothing for the more coragous and ambitions memeber of the group.

When the bikers enter pitch hill they pass a sign. The sign simply state PITCH HILL, and the bikers suspect nothing. However, as the bikers pass the back of the sign is shown to the audience. The sign is covered in missing notices. This use of Mise- en- scene is vital in creating a early sence of potential danger.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done Josh, you have made an impressive contribution to the planning of your sequence.